Stories, Videos, & Articles


The Hollywood Historical Society has over 20,000 items in its collection,
including bound volumes of the Hollywood Sun-Tattler newspaper






A film about the past, present, and future of the Hollywood Beach Hotel

See our Award Winning FILM on the PBS website



Joseph W. Young and His Dream City

The Story of Hollywood, as told in this video, was created for 2015 National History Day by Beachside Montessori School, Hollywood 7th graders: Jeremiah Lucas, Patrick Alfele, Enoch McGowan, and Pierce Trop; and presented at the HHS 2015 Founder's Day Celebration

View the Video on the HHS YouTube channel



The Story of Founder's Day

"Hollywood-by-the Sea was envisioned and begun in 1920 by one man…"
(Continue Reading the Story)



The Fascinating Tale of Eleanor Hansberry
Founder of Hollywood Bread

An article by Clive Taylor, published in Cahoots Newspaper, Fall-2021 issue
(Read the Whole Story)



Hammerstein House

Read about Clarence & Vera Hammerstein and the Historic Hammerstein House





Please contact us to see how you can help our historic community!


Phone: 954-923-5590 || email: HollywoodFLhistory@att.net
Hammerstein House & Research Center: 1520 Polk Street, Hollywood, FL 33020
*VISIT our Research Center, Tuesdays & Fridays 10am-2pm (Please phone ahead)*


To make payments via Zelle use "HollywoodFLhistory@att.net", Mail Checks to:
Hollywood Historical Society, P.O. Box 222755, Hollywood, FL 33022